Theater at its best. In fact I would be willing to bet any Republican "girlfriend" who found herself with child while Re pub daddy was married to another especially, would be hassled off to have that abortion procedure asap. It struck me as so odd that these mostly white, middle-aged men were soooooo concerned, not only with actual abortion but the language regarding it in the HCR bill. It was a little over the top IMO.
When you have little to nothing to cling to, try to reach the vulnerable, the anti-birth control freaks, the overly religious, that's their modus operandi. These guys don't fool me for a minute. They could care less about the fetus and even less than that when the fetus is born. Personally, I'm pro-choice and was raised Catholic. From an early age I had decided such matters would be decided by ME! Not my husband of the future, not a boyfriend, just me. You can bet that many of the women both married and not married to these poseurs made the same decision. They're just too stupid to realize it.