My Friend,
Late last night, the Democrats in the House of Representatives passed their massive government takeover of our health care system. This bill is terribly wrong for America and I call on you to join with me to challenge this bill in every way we can.
The fact remains that by a two-to-one margin, Americans do not want this bill to become law. On Saturday, I held town hall meetings in Arizona and we could not find one person who liked this bill. It's shameful that the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats have chosen to ignore the citizens of America.
I believe the will of the people will be reflected sooner or later. The Democrats will learn in November, that when you go against the wishes of the American people, you pay a steep and heavy price. Americans will not be silenced on this matter and I will continue to lead this fight each and every day.
I assure you I am not quitting our fight. I believe we must repeal this bill immediately.
I am currently working in every way possible on your behalf to accomplish this. However, I am facing a tough reelection campaign. If I am not reelected this year, I cannot fight for our shared values in the Senate. That's why your immediate donation of any amount is so critical.
Your urgent support will enable me to continue our fight against this terrible bill.
Through tax increases and expensive burdens on small businesses, this bill will bankrupt our great nation. And while the inside-the-beltway Democrats are celebrating with champagne at the White House, anger is building outside the beltway.
I need your immediate help to send a message to these Washington Democrats. I ask that you take a moment today to make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to ensure I may continue fighting on your behalf.
I assure you that I will continue to challenge this bill in every way I can and will work to repeal it as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support.
John McCain
P.S. For the first time in American history, a major piece of legislation has been passed without bipartisan support. The fact remains, the American public does not want this massive government-run health care takeover. I am working to repeal the bill but I need your support to continue my service in the U.S. Senate. I am facing a tough reelection campaign and your immediate donation of $25 or more will enable me to continue fighting. Please follow this link to make your urgent donation. Thank you.