I have seen the future, and the future is a point of order, with a numerical name. The repubs are saying that HCR affects SS, by making it more viable, simply as a side effect of HCR. Therefore, they think they can apply the point of order to it. They will try to kill the fixes to the original bill. To make it maximally unpalatable to the public. The AG attacks are expected, and will go nowhere. Their main thrust will be to kill the fixes, even knowing that they are good for the people, and their strategy is BAD for america. I feel that Obama will allow this attempt in living color, and it will be catalogued, and used in midterm campaigns.
Here is the setup, the repubs want Obama to fail, enough to saddle you with x bad thing we tried to remove. Obama and candidates will categorize all the immediate benefits that would be removed. Commercials with babies parents wondering how to pay for their multimillion dollar premie.
As I read elsewhere, they cannot deal with any component of HCR, as their bogus will be on full display. Death panels etc. So, they will never deal with it on it's points, but as the hapless fool did on Fox. He said that they had been trying to get kids on parents policy first. They tried to get rid of pre conditions first. They will talk about that, but not in proximity to our HCR law. And now that they have spoken their outright intention to repeal the bill, They must come up with their own bill, that would pass CBO muster. That addresses all the popular controls on insurance cos. That wont go down well with corps. And now that they scolded touching medicare payouts etc, they are hamstrung. And since they talked endlessly about death panels, they give even one whiff of rationing, till infinity, their hyperbole will destroy them.
Folks, this is beginning to look like a lot of fun. Remember that the Teafluffers will be demanding to direct any development. So, the idiot republican leadership, will have to appease the freaks, and haters. All this, with elections.
Now, I truly see the no drama Obama genius. People will run for the guy who understands the world, not the chicken littles. Hot and cold running fear is getting old. We've got this one. And likely the next. Those of you lamenting about sellout Obama, cuz he doesnt strut like you would enjoy, might get far more done in time, than would otherwise have happened.
Heave ho, I am ready to whistle while I work, to drown the repubs in Grover Norquists bathtub. Lets roll.