Edited on Mon Mar-22-10 05:01 PM by SoCalDem
Both parties are said to have "fringe" elements.
Let's examine that fringe a little closer.
The left fringe is always associated with progressive ideas. Progressive is not a "bad" word. I thought America was all about progress.. Most people embrace progress.
To be fair, there are some negatives that can accompany progress, but for the most part we have always been in a progression.. from here to there..from childhood to adulthood.. from apprenticeship to journeyman.etc.
If there is not progression, there is either a static position or regression. That's all there is, folks.
Stasis is not all that great of a goal for the "world leader/bestest country in the whole wide world".
Regression is also not all that great of a goal, if we plan to be an innovative forward-thinking country.
The left fringe is often associated with ideas & goals that are intended to to have an equalizing, uplifting theme..things like:
ecological salvation educational equality racial equality gender equality paycheck equality health-care equality and more..
These ideals only became "fringe" though a deliberate effort. They should be mainstream ideals, but have become little more than talking points and misspelled topics of cardboard signs.
Right wing fringe could just be the opposite of the left, but they are MORE than that. they have moved beyond the yang to our yin. they have "progressed" from benign stasis to toxic regression. A group that clings to the worst ideas, deserves scorn, not praise. Their doggedness may be something they are proud of, but when we look at the ideals they espouse, it's not hard to see just how dangerous these ideas are.
It's almost as if these people (as a group) have made a conscious decision to embrace the things that destroy a nation..
They embrace warlike behavior..personally, as well as nationally they step away from educational advances
they turn away from science (until someone in their own family gets very ill..then they like those geeky "science-y" doctors)
they wear their ignorance like a luxurious cashmere coat
they are more than willing to gamble with their planet's future if it means they might make a buck or two in their 401-k
they claim righteousness & family values, but can't live up to most of the tenets of either in their personal lives
they prefer to limit wages for poor people, while berating these same people for being poor
they begrudge schools the funding necessary to teach kids, and then complain when children are falling behind
they cloak themselves in the flag & clutch the constitution when they protest others, yet refuse others the same rights
they claim to love Jesus, the Bible, & their churches, but somehow missed the part about generosity of spirit & the "love-thy-neighbor" parts, and feel free to attack-at-will
some of the right- fringe schizophrenically demand that "we" forget all about the Bush-years and all its follies, because "that was then, and this is now", and that was "a long time ago"..and yet they proudly brandish the artifacts of the Confederacy, and still joyfully talk about secession & toss around the hurtful words from that debacle.
they claim to love babies, so much that they want EVERY baby to be born..no matter what..but once born, those babies lose any status, and are expected to thrive with little or no assistance.
Frankly, the people in the "middle", who claim neither fringed-sleeve are complicit because in their lack of choice, they become part of the problem. By not committing to progress and uplifting, they are giving "cover" to the right wing fringe, and are giving them a legitimacy they do not deserve.
The left-fringe is not really "fringe" at all. It's just that the middle has become so muddled, they no longer recognize themselves as participants, and are adrift in a sea of rhetoric that does little more than make them more confused as time goes on.
The far-right would have us believe that the "left" fringe wants to embrace anarchy, communism and or socialism, but that is not true, and they know it, but they love the fear & smear so much they cannot, or will not see the truth. The "right" fringe, for all its bible-worship and science-bashing cannot see that their purported "beliefs" are little more than feudal Darwinism.
I've always approached bold ideas with a "what if" approach, to help me make up my mind.
What IF the far left is correct?
What's the WORST that could happen?
Cleaner air, cleaner water, more trees, more fish in the sea, more critters in what's left of the wilderness, more teachers? are these bad things?
People marrying whomever they want, regardless of the gender of the other person? How does that make things worse for me?
Women paid on par with men? how's that bad? don't the righties ever have daughters? sisters? Moms?
Health-care for every American? do right wingers never get sick? are their children, parents, family members immune from illness? What if a right winger's family member needs medical care during a time when they are not insured? should they just die?
When we look at the ideals that the right-fringe stands for, and use the same "what's the worst that could happen?" approach, there's a whole other "reality" .
Their ideas lack ingenuity, thought or purpose. They are destructive ideals. they HURT people, the national image, the planet.
The saddest part about the whole movement, is that they cannot even own up to their ideals in public.
They welcome with open arms, the "bomb-throwers", the blowhards, the blatant racists, they prop them up, prod them and then when the inevitable happens, many of the leaders scurry like roaches when the light's turned on.. they want the radical ones in their fringe to be bold and to yell out words put to pasture decades ago, to spit on people, to throw money at handicapped people, but when confronted with the fruit of their own poison tree, they feign ignorance & slither under the baseboard.
These are the "brave" stalwarts who are so gung-ho about militancy & who never back down when sending other people's children off to war, but when asked to "man-up" & claim their own, they will not.
Ours is not a jacket with two equally-fringed sleeves..it's a jacket with a left sleeve that is frayed from slashing at it for decades..and the other one with carefully coiffed, pristine fringe... Surely there's a thread somewhere that can be pulled....to shed that right sleeve altogether.
Perhaps it's time to just become a vest.. Don't we all have a "vested" interest in becoming the best we can be?