Ha! Chamber of Commerce is outta there. Guess $144 million to back 100 spitters and name callers got to be a bit too much for them. "Hell no you can't"
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/03/anti-reform-chamber-wont-be-helping-gop-with-calls-to-repeal-health-care.php?ref=fpbRepublicans in Congress say they'll campaign on repealing the health care legislation passed last night, and several already have introduced bills to roll back the new measure. Conservative groups are passing around "repeal the bill" petitions on the Internet and boasting big numbers. But it seems like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce isn't on board, despite spending more than $144 million on an ad campaign against passage of the measure.
President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued a statement Sunday night saying the bill "ignores the will of the American people" and isn't real health care reform.
"Should the legislation passed by the House today become law, the Chamber will work through all available avenues--regulatory, legislative, legal, and political--to fix its flaws and minimize its potentially harmful impacts," Donohue said. "Through the largest issue advocacy and voter education program in our history, we will encourage citizens to hold their elected officials accountable when they choose a new Congress this November." But in an interview published today with Wall Street Journal reporters and editors, Donohue said the Chamber won't be pushing for repeal.