right-wing forecast for post-health-care-reform America
8 hours and 8 minutes ago — 143 Comments
From claiming that passing health care reform legislation will signify "the end of America as you know it" to predicting an "insurrection" should health care reform become law, Media Matters takes a look back at the variety of doomsday scenarios right wing media figures offered in the lead-up to the March 21 vote.
Right-wing media's dire predictions: If health reform passes...
Beck: "This is the end of prosperity in America forever ... the end of America as you know it."
Beck: President Obama will be able to "control every aspect of your life."
Beck: "he fundamental transformation of America is complete."
Beck: "If you can be deemed someone who maybe shouldn't have a baby, they can have their people come in.
Beck: We lose "the Democratic Party to the socialists."
Limbaugh: Bill will "hasten" granny's death.
Limbaugh: "I am leaving the country" if "all that stuff gets implemented."
Morris said he was "100 percent positive" Obama will create panels to "curb medical care to the elderly."
Fox Business: "Does Obamacare mean millions more jobs destroyed?"
Cramer: "Obamacare will topple the stock market."
Hemmer: "Could people be going to jail for not owning health insurance?"
Limbaugh: Democrats will regulate "every aspect of our lives."
Cal Thomas: The government will deny care to "granny" because "she's costing too much."
Quinn: The government will be able to "commit a violent assault on your body."
Quinn: "You are going to see insurrection. You're going to see an uprising."
Quinn: "The response" to passing health reform "will be insurrection."
(Stephen) Moore: "This is a dark day for America if we pass this bill."
IBD poll, Fox News: Doctors will shut down their practices.
Limbaugh: Senate health bill will lead to "250 million uninsured."
Claiming that health reform is "all about limiting your rights," Quinn suggested "gay sex" could be prohibited.
Quinn: "If they pass health care ... that is the end of the republic."
Cal Thomas claimed health reform "is an outrage" and "a sham"; "uthanasia is coming."
Siegel: "nder ObamaCare, guidelines will quickly become mandates."
Limbaugh: "Human beings will die earlier than normal" under "freedom killing" and "life threatening" health-care reform.
Baker warned that health reform would lead to euthanasia for overweight people.
Hannity: "If we get nationalized health care, it's over; this is socialism."
Limbaugh: When you turn 65, "hello death panels."
Limbaugh: "Obamacare" will "smother the individual," "aimed at robbing you of your humanity," "all of us will be slaves."
Limbaugh pretends to be a truth-telling Obama: Government won't take over health care, it'll just control it entirely.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.