Glenn Beck and his horde of reprobate cretins have it all figured out... Shine a light on their special American utopia and the well-deserving will follow. What a pleasant little village. No illness that a monopoly insurance card can`t fix, no peace marches, no African-Americans unless a couple are needed to drive home a point, no gays, no history books, no grammar school hot lunch programs, no global warming...just a lot of chalk and a brazillion uniform sales.
It`s the nuttiest thing. No matter how many times one of their teabagging followers screams "NIGGER" or shows up with a poster of a Ruger or a joke about a noose, Beck, Limbaugh, or their other brother Tom De Lay gets quoted by embedded corporate newsreaders. I`ll bet many civilized people don`t understand how Glenn Beck has a blackboard full of hatred and a popular teevee show.
This is now Jon Voight`s America, something like John Wayne`s only scarier. A place where you`re laughed at if you have an illness and inadequate health insurance. A place where you`re heckled if you`re a brilliant Arabic-speaking, gay Iraq War veteran. A place where if you`re a 12 year old impregnated by your uncle,someone thinks it`s okay to shoot your abortion provider. A place where all non-wealthy college graduates should expect to begin adult life with at least $75,000 in student loan debt. A place where torture and capital punishment are glorified and no-nothings like Sarah Palin can become a candidate for Vice President and a flat-earth cult leader all in the same week.
These folks aren`t about problem solving or progress. They`re not about diversity or tolerance. They`re reactionaries with a fascist twist, a definite threat to democratic ideals.