and in this case I cannot blame the economy either... just life. 21st, 2010
It is with great sadness that I have decided to bring Deist Games down, and replace it with a writing blog. Life, as it is wanton of doing, intervened.
Over the last three years I have had to take care of my parents on and off, not that I am complaining. This has been a great privilege, and has allowed me to grow as a person. It has also taught me what really matters in life. And at this point in my life I know I don't have the time (or for that matter the energy) to dedicate to this game. So it would be selfless to keep this going, when I know I have no time.
To those of you who gave Deist Games a try, I thank you. To those of you who did not, perhaps you were right. What is true is that I still need to write, but as life would have it, I am moving in another direction. Yes, there are many stories to tell, but the projects are not something as silly as a game. They deal with larger than life issues. as I have grown much and leaned that perhaps it is time to tell some of MY stories from years ago, as an Emergency Provider. There are also the stories of Labor and US History, which I have decided to go back to. And of course there is recent knowledge gleamed in the school of hard knocks. So as they say, a period in my life is over, and a new one begins.
So that is one reason why updates and work on the website was not done, as it should.
One good thing is that now I can work on a very simple website. That is a relief in a way. So as they say, join me in this new adventure. I shall have new things to say, and new things to do.
One life lesson I will harp at for one last time is... if you are a gamer and you want to write, whatever you do stay away from the gaming industry. As enticing at it may be, we have problems and lack of respect for the creative people who produce the games. And if we should cross paths, get a natural twenty for me, will you?
Nadin Abbott