"In the short term, insurers will gain enrollment but the bill may cost them in the long run if health costs don't come under control," said Peter Kongstvedt, a McLean, Va.-based insurance industry consultant.
-- The individual health insurance mandate, along with subsidies for low-income Americans, will bring insurers tens of millions of new customers.
-- The expansion of Medicaid will also provide new customers; many recipients will be covered by private managed care plans.
-- The bill calls for $132 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage plans, the private health plans that cover one in five seniors.
-- New taxes on the industry total $70 billion over 10 years, beginning in 2014.
-- Insurers are facing a new requirement to spend 85 percent of their premium dollars on health care, potentially leaving less money for administration, marketing and profits.
-- The so-called "Cadillac" tax on high-cost health plans is aimed at insurers, though it won't take effect until 2018.
-- Lawmakers called for relatively low penalties -- just $95 in 2014 – for not buying insurance, which could encourage many healthy people to skip coverage.
If that's what coming out ahead looks like, I'll take it.