The wingers have been topping up their ammo silos for a year and a half. Oathkeepers are in strategic positions to start the coup. Our elected leaders are being treated JUST LIKE they were, before we became a civilized country. The GOP has stated that they cannot abide our leadership, they will repeal all that we attempt. So, do they allow an orderly dissolvement of their party? Or do they act, before they are extinct? The heat for killing willy nilly all your neighbors, has been cranked up on FREEPs, and they are chomping at the bit. Those in rural areas, want to do away with the city type folk. Contempt for everything gentile is rampant.
How does this end? White entitlement is also the color of heat that it gives off. When immigration reform is discussed in earnest, I believe the Republicans will see that as their last whistle stop before GOP Auschwitz. They removed ACORN, cuz they help Dems. They cheered the corporate takeover of campaign finance, thinking that they will rule. They are getting ever more racists signing on. I think this is the only safety on their ubiquitous guns. Once they feel that demographics spells the end of their hate.org, I feel they will at least move against Hispanics. Perhaps as a warning shot. Like we displayed Japan's ruin, as a spectacle to influence the Soviets. Or, they might move against us garden variety Americans.
Either way, I would like to hear others take on how the GOP ceases to exist?