TerraPower raises its profile amid new focus on nuclear energy.Backers of a Bellevue-based project to build a new type of nuclear reactor are raising its public profile amid signs that the Obama administration is growing more open to nuclear energy.
In recent weeks, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates — who is providing financial backing to the TerraPower project — has sung its praises in public presentations and interviews as an energy source that does not contribute to global warming. TerraPower says it has made progress in computer modeling and design work and is moving toward seeking out partners to develop its plans.
TerraPower — which was born at Intellectual Ventures, a firm headed by former Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold — is one of several projects looking to take advantage of President Barack Obama’s recent embrace of nuclear power.
In his State of the Union speech last month, the president called for a “new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants,” and just approved $8.3 billion in loan guarantees to build two new nuclear reactors in Georgia. They would be the first new reactors on U.S. soil in nearly three decades......
PDF file that explains the technology
Introducing Traveling-Wave ReactorsTerrapower website