Limbaugh: corporate profits more important than American lives...
Here are some snippets from Rush Limbaugh's latest melt-down and corporate sponsored fear mongering. My translation of what he actually means vs. what he says is included:
What's happened here is not insurance. Insurance is you insure yourself against a catastrophe, something that might happen to wipe you out. This is not insurance. This is simply the insurance companies being captivated or taken over by the government and having their behavior mandated for the express purpose of putting them out of business.
What Rush is saying is that he gets big perks and kickbacks from the insurance industry. Now, if insurance is just to "insure yourself against a catastrophe" then why are basic doctors visits covered by most insurance companies?
But what Rush is not saying (paid not to say) is what applies directly to me. I did have insurance. I developed a "catastrophe" called Lupus. My insurance dropped me and no other insurance company will take me. Back to Rush:
Under this bill, as I told you last week, you don't have to buy insurance. You can wait until the accident or the illness happens and then buy it that day, and they have to sell it to you. No matter what. If you get terminal cancer and the doctor gives you three months, they have to sell you your coverage. Except you're not going to have to buy it. If you can't afford it, we -- all your neighbors -- will. No insurance company can stay in business doing this.
What Rush is saying is that we should let our neighbors simply die because the rights of corporations are more sacrosanct than those of our fellow Americans.
If our "neighbors" (his word) get into a massive accident, and their insurance company drops them, well, they should simply die. If our neighbors get cancer and only have three months to live, well, then who cares if they have pain management.I find it remarkable that
people who oppose paying for war - especially an unnecessary and illegal war - are called unpatriotic by Rush and his ilk. Yet when Rush and others like him oppose paying to save American lives otherwise lost untreated illnesses, he and his are NOT called unpatriotic. Onwards with his heartless and dishonest commentary:
It's the same thing with preexisting conditions. No preexisting conditions? The liberals keep talking about automobile insurance companies. What happens to you if you have an automobile policy, you're driving around, and you have an accident and you do a lot of damage? Hey, guess what? You are a higher risk. Your auto insurance premium goes up, right? Why shouldn't that happen with health care? Why shouldn't it? (whining) "It's not fair? No, it's not fair!" Well, it won't now. It won't now. So, yeah, preexisting conditions are going to be covered, but who's going to pay for this? Insurance premiums are going to skyrocket in the next couple of years until they are out of business and the government steps in to take over with the...public option. Which is just waiting a couple of months, couple of days, couple years down the tracks. It's just waiting to happen, because this bill mandates the destruction of the private health insurance business.
But that is not what happens. Your premiums don't go up when you become sick.
You simply get terminated and then blacklisted from getting coverage, as though by getting sick, you did something wrong. You see, the sick are undesirables in a capitalist model. The sick, the poor, the elderly, are all undesirables in his perfect corporate society. What will he argue for next? That we build ghettos for the sick and elderly to keep the rich folks from having to see consequences of their immoral choices?
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