Here is my letter to Rob McKenna who, contrary to the wishes of the Governor and other state leaders, has joined the suit against health care reform in the name of Washington State. You can contact him at the following URL: am disgusted at the blatant political posturing of Rob McKenna. It is obvious to me that he is putting politics, i.e., a future run for governor, ahead of the needs of the people of Washington State. Which part of health care reform does he want to dismantle? The part that covers young adults under their parents plan until they can afford to cover themselves or find an employer who covers them? The part that prevents insurance companies from dropping sick people from their roles? The part that ensures coverage for the thousands who will die without coverage? As Governor Gregoire properly asked, who does McKenna represent? He justifies this lawsuit on Constitutional grounds, yet the U.S. Constitution says that we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By trying to nullify this reform, he is denying the right to life for those who are the victims of rapacious for-profit health insurance corporations.
His litigation against health care reform is a self-serving waste of taxpayer resources to support his personal ambition and absolutely ensures that I will never support him for political office and will actively work for his opponent.