Dear Mary Ellen,
Alan Grayson is a healthcare hero. He called the Republicans out on their obstructionism. He told Americans that the Republicans health care plan was Don't Get Sick, and if you do, Die Quickly. Grayson changed the debate and put the Republicans on the defensive right before the first House vote in November.
There's more. He built a movement around the public option that helped keep the public option debate alive to this day. In a matter of hours, his Public Option Act opening Medicare to all Americans received over 80 cosponsors in the House and over 50,000 citizen cosponsors at
Alan Grayson is standing up for us. Now, the progressive movement needs to stand up for him. Contribute $50 toward Alan Grayson's March 27th Money Bomb at Grayson is the number #1 target of the Republican Party. They want to silence his voice. They want nothing more than to replace him with some shill who will do the bidding of insurance and Wall Street lobbyists.
We can't let that happen. Already, over 1,500 people have contributed over $45,000. I believe in the power of people. Join the cause. $50 from Americans who want Democrats with spines can turn into $500,000 overnight.
Can you join thousands of others and chip in for a Congressman with Guts? Pledge $50 now.
Thanks so much for your time and your support of this health care hero.
Howard Dean