Kansas abortion bill sheds mental health exemption
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Eagle Topeka bureau
TOPEKA — The Kansas House gave preliminary approval Monday to a bill that would prevent women from using mental health as a reason to receive a late-term abortion on a viable fetus.
The courts have said that a woman's mental health can fall under the definition of "irreversible impairment of a major bodily function." House Bill 2166 would specify that bodily function does not include mental or emotional functions.
Abortion opponents said the change would bring the law closer to the late-term abortion rules' original intent.
The provision is aimed at late-term abortions done on fetuses that could live outside the mother's womb, said Rep. Lance Kinzer, R-Olathe, an abortion opponent.
"If we say our laws do not extend to protect those unborn children at that stage, it says something very deep, very dark and very disturbing about where we are as a culture," Kinzer said.
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