my, with all the wrong things from the right, like militia leaders calling for violence against Democrats, filibusters on (extension of) much-needed programs, and Mormons trying to overturn marriage equality in DC through an amendment on frickin' Health Care Reform,
we almost forget that less than a week ago, General Sheehan LIED about gay servicemen in the Dutch army. And my goodness, are the Dutch still angry about that!
Sheehan said: 'that army was weakened by the influx of sexual minorities, and that's why the Ducth "let" 8,000 Screbreniça Muslims be slaughtered by the Serbs in 1995.' Pressed by Sen Durbin what he based this outragious claim on, Sheehan said: 'That's what such-and-such Dutch general told me.'
Said Dutch General denied having ever said anything of the kind (as no honorable general should ever make the claim that diminishing homophobia equals genocide)
The Dutch Prime Minister and Defense Minister expressed indignation at this slanderous claim, but wouldn't reprimand the American commander-in-chief (Obama) in the interests of diplomacy. But that doesn't mean Sheehan will get away with it.
No less than three organisations (Pink Army, The Homosexuality and Army Foundation, and the GLBT organisation COC) have joined forces to take Sheehan to court. They are filing a civil lawsuit against him to force him to make formal apologies. Additional charges may be added.
And political parties are jumping on the bandwagon:
The Christian-Democrats, the Labour party, the liberal party VVD, the far-left Socialist Party: all have expressed explicit support for the lawsuit. In case you are wondering: these four parties hold (together) over 110 seats in a 150 seat parliament. Smaller parties are flocking in as well. The Dutch are FURIOUS.
A quote from a Labour parliamentarian (herself Muslima):
"With regard to these words I say: the limit has been crossed. That's why we support this lawsuit initiative, for the human rights."
It is quite rare that parties all over the political spectre in the Netherlands agree to such an extent. General Sheehan: please have the dignity to apologise NOW. You are embarrassing all of America by alienating a loyal ally.