attending Patriotic Gore... THAT SAID...
THEY were the ones that told us to "Get Over It" after Bush v. Gore!
THEY were the ones that called those that protested that decision "Sore/Loserman"!
THEY were the ones that gleefully reminded us that "Elections Have Consequences"!
THEY were the ones that came up with the infantile rewording of Democratic Party to "Democrat Party"! Since apparently we didn't deserve our chosen moniker because we didn't believe in majority rule.
THEY were the ones that cheered on an unjustified war, a PRE-EMPTIVE WAR BASED ON LIES, a CRIME where thousands on both sides died unnecessarily!
THEY were the ones that cheered the evisceration of the U.S. Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, and Nuremberg! And continue to cheer on the use of torture TO THIS DAY!!!
I'm sorry... but I'm afraid my fucked-in-the-head fellow Americans may just have it all a little BACKWARDS!!!
And after this weekend...