As an indication of how broken our media is, they are now wasting valuable air-time discussing Republicans' "plans" to repeal health care reform, an almost impossible event.
I am not sure what planet, or what nation, the Republicans live on or in, but the idea that healthcare reform can be repealed is not only mickey-mouse, it is fantasyland.
Regardless of what the Republican louts do in the Senate -- voting against removing provisions they railed against! -- the House passed the identical bill the Senate already passed with a supermajority, and the President will sign it into law. Tomorrow.
To repeal that bill, Republicans will have to get to 60 votes in the Senate (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! -- serves them right) and a majority in the House. For the next 3 years, and probably the next 7, they will need 67 votes in the Senate and 290 votes in the House to override President Obama's veto.