Kos and others have been making fun of tweety and others about this for a few days. Now it's in Time, with so high-grade snark.
http://tunedin.blogs.time.com/2010/03/23/wrongest-name-in-cable-news/"OK, so cable-news pundits bluster, shoot from the hip and end up hilariously, spectacularly wrong occasionally. Or more than occasionally. It's pretty much the job description. And Chris Matthews—well, God love him, he's very good at his job.
But this clip is really something. It's like a gold-medal performance in wrongness. It's like automotive engineers built a supersonic Wrong machine, filled its fuel tank with high-octane Liquid Wrong, hauled it out to the Bonneville Salt Flats, and attempted to set the world record in wrong.On Jan. 22, just after Scott Brown's election victory in Massachusetts, Matthews talks to Rep. Alan Grayson. Subject: Where does health care reform go from here? In the interview, Grayson essentially gives Matthews precisely the strategy the Democrats will use, successfully: pass the Senate bill and change it using the reconciliation process (which is filibuster-proof). And Matthews proceeds to spend several minutes mocking Grayson for the naivete of the idea.You can't do that! You can't create a new program using reconciliation! It's not how the parliamentary process works! I used to work in Congress! You have no idea how the Senate works!"