I have been listening to Ray since I was barely a teenager in 1979 or 1980, and las night was one of his best programs ever. The links are provided below.
Ray discussed the DISGRACE that happened Saturday afternoon in the U.S. Capitol, when several of our African American and Gay Representatives were spat on and called "Nigger" and "Faggot."
It made me physically ill when I heard about this, and Ray is urging us to contact the House Police and our representatives to make sure that these assholes are punished.
Those who were assaulted were too classy and too kind to bring charges, but we need to replace police officers in the Capitol who don't care about this kind of thing with security officers who will arrest these scum bags and charge them with the crimes they are guilty of committing.
My understanding is that hate speech coupled with physical assault (spitting) is a felony, not something to be met with a nonchalant shrugging of the shoulders.
These people are Black icons who should never ever have to go through this again, and it is up to the rest of us to weed out racism. I mean those of us who are White, or Caucasian, or whatever we want to call ourselves, it is our responsibility to crush these ignorant bastards out like cockroaches beneath our heels. It is so disgusting to think that great civil rights heroes are having to go through this all again. We need to SHAME AND SHUN the Tea Bag Party.
There is no possible excuse for what happened on Saturday. Please join those of us who are contacting our reps, our House Speaker (who I love), and the Capitol police to express our disgust with the despicable events that on Saturday befell some LEGENDS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT.
Ray is a treasure. If you have never heard of him, this is all the more reason to check him out. I promise, you will not be disappointed.
Thank you.
Here are links to Ray Taliaferro's program last night. Trust me, it is fantastic. Enjoy, but reflect as well, please.