Sen. Brown uses obscure blog to claim Maddow may run against him what may otherwise be considered a cynical attempt to use a gay voice in the so-called "liberal media" to scare up some campaign dollars, a recent letter to supporters by Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) points to an obscure blog to level the claim that MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow may run against him.
And, of course, he needs your money to make sure that doesn't happen.
Pointing to UniversalHub, a relatively small Boston-area blog, Brown claims a key Democratic Party official is trying to recruit the Massachusetts-residing news anchor to run for Kennedy's former seat, cautioning that liberals will almost surely draft "someone like Rachel Maddow" to challenge Republicans in 2012.
"Democrats want a rubberstamp who will vote for their plans to expand government, increase debt and raise taxes, he wrote. "Someone like Rachel Maddow. I'm sure she's a nice person. I just dont think America can afford her liberal politics."
The post was based on a tweet at Maddow by Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman John Walsh. It reads: "Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in '12. I'm Chair of MA Dem Party. My email is cell-617-650-9311".