As usual, I found myself arguing with conservatives on various blogs today about the healthcare bill.
Then I had to correct myself when I realized...THIS IS NO LONGER A BILL. IT'S THE LAW!
Damn that felt good! We are no longer talking HYPOTHETICAL, here. I no longer feel the need to attempt rational argument with loonatics around the internets, or in coffee shops, to try and dispel ridiculous falsehoods about what's in the bill.
No more cutting and pasting links from politifact.com and factcheck.org to prove to people that the various falsehoods and disinformation that have been deliberately spread around are, in fact, just a bunch of lies.
No more having to debunk that stupid list of talking points about HR3200 that was sent around in a viral email. No more having to point out that HR3200 isn't even in play anymore, and that we've moved on to HR3950. No more having to point to actual scientific articles in the New England Journal of Medicine that disprove those bogus cancer survival statistics. No more having to "defend" the World Health Organization's ranking of the U.S. healthcare system at 37. No more having to point out that a handful of millionaires coming to the U.S. for TOP notch treatment is not proof that the system as a whole is the best for the average citizen. No more having to cite the fact that the USA spends almost twice on a PER CAPITA basis, and almost twice on a per capita GDP basis as any other country on healthcare while still leaving millions without insurance.
BAH! No more having to dispel and disprove all the falsehoods and bullshit that the HMO industry flooded the zone with in an effort to obfuscate the truth, and to confuse people to the extent that they don't know what they want anymore, all in an attempt to drive opinion poll numbers about healthcare reform down and influence the (until now) spineless Congressmen who will vote on it.
Why did I feel the need to do all that? Because having so much falsehood floating around scares people into writing to their Congressman, and telling him/her to vote against the reforms.
Well...we don't have to do that anymore, because THE FIGHT IS OVER! IT'S THE LAW! The dithering Congressmen can't take their votes back the day after, and resending this would require Obama's signature.
Yeah, I know the fix-it bill could still falter, but even if it did, HR3950 is no longer a BILL...IT'S THE LAW!