I was wandering through DU today and ran across the Think Progress Article about the Repub party, through their minions the Teabaggers have been doing the past few days. This was part of the first post onto another personal journal. It started when I read this:
>> Slaughter has been at the center of the push for reform. Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office. “Assassinate is the word they used…toward the children of lawmakers who voted yes".<<
Think Progress broke this story, along with the news that one of the Right Wing base, Mike Vanderboegh taking credit for the organized terrorist acts of breaking windows at Democratic Headquarters across the nation.
The headline of the article plays the violence down, possibly in the attempt to minimize the impact, but it actually is misleading. “Vandals hit at least five Dem offices nationwide…” is not what the people are, they are Terrorists in every sense of the word. No random acts, they are perusing a calculated and well planned attack on those who do not adhere to their ideals.
If you look at the antics of the Teabaggers over the time of the health care debate, you will see a group who has been fed a steady stream of glorified violence, heated sound bites, and outright racism. This diet could only have one outcome and we are seeing it in action now.
The GOP in their fustration of being tossed from the majority and losing the White House, devised a plan to whip these people into a frenzy, in order to intimidate everyone else. Instead of coming in with ideas and plans, they just tried to shut down congress all the while feeding more lies to the fringe.
Well, it’s backfired. Just like their plans on healthcare, they lost control of their lunatics. But what has made this more frightening, is that the Republican leaders are still egging these people on and making excuses for them. They have lost all pretense of working for those who elected them and are now for their party’s power and that alone.
I fear that this will all come to a head with the attempted assassination of President Obama, and or members of the House and Senate. We need to investigate and arrest these terrorists, and go after their enablers and money suppliers. Lets give them the same taste of “justice” that Dick Cheney advocated for the Iraqi prisoners. For after all, are they not working for the same common goal, the destruction of our Nation’s Government?