Some may think that would be a good thing.
I have been out of teaching for a while. However if I was still in, I would last a nanosecond probably. If I stayed, I would legitimately give the measures a try. I would do my best to follow them.
However, I'm sure I would be caught not being on task or whatever if something important happened to upset the kids. I always preferred to talk about it a little bit so they would feel heard. It helped calm the classroom.
I would try to raise the 'scores.' (Jeebus it sounds like a BCS bowl game). How do you raise the scores of kids in science who are in the 7th,8th or 9th grade and read on a second or third grade level if that? I would look up reading levels to get an idea of where my classes were. I didn't want to condescend and make them feel dumb. I wanted to find a way to get science concepts across using steps to build them upward towards reading better.
I was a reading teacher disguised as a science teacher. I have always thought that every teacher should have to pass a course in teaching reading. I also think that all textbooks should be structured to teach content and reading. That would help. Some would say that's not their job. Well you bloody well aren't going to get anywhere if they don't understand. A lot of the kids could use some decent computer reading exercises with the appropriate science content or whatever.
Every kid should have a laptop at their desk with wifi so that a teacher could instruct them from that instead of the blackboard. It would probably catch their attention and be more effective. It would also improve their computer skills that they need to know beyond texting in the new language.Yes it is a new language or dialect. WTF u mean? LOL I don't speak it well.
They could learn to use search engines if they blocked bad sites. They could also be shown examples of sites that lie or misdirect. Everything on the intertubes isn't true. The teacher could have a screen with smaller screens that show what the kids are really looking at in order to monitor them better.
See. I'm off again on a tangent. Tangents get me, but tangents can teach. Tangents could help me approach a concept a different way to get an idea across. Tangents would probably get me in trouble.
I would be doomed.