Raygun killed the fairness in media laws. Come on the whole Raygun presidency was a re write on what happened in the 80's which gave us the great communicator myth, Raygun did nothing but double talk, it always amazed me that Raygun would speak, say something that made people say WTF, then after a day or 2 he would come back on TV to speak again, say the exact same crap that got people baffled, only his speech writers would change key words and people would say oh thats what he meant, wow what a great speaker.
If you think there hasn't been a re write of history, well think on this, every president has gotten dumped on because of congress actions, except for 1, Ike, it was during his term that McCarthy, who was a republicon, rose up in congress to start a witch hunt for commies, where was Ike? What did he do to stop the madness of McCarthy? Where was his voice of reason? Ike sat back and let McCarthy carry on his witch hunt, yet not one peep about that in the media or history books, hell McCarthy isn't even in the history books today. I am 53 years old and I didn't learn until a few years ago that it was Ike who sent the first American advisers to VN, my history books said it was JFK that sent the first advisers.
Watching The Jon Stewert show last night mocking Beck he showed a clip of Beck showing how Democrats was leading us to USSR type government except it wasn't just democrats, he ( Beck ) said it started with TR, Teddy was not a democratic president he was republicon, guess someone forgot to point that out to ole G Beck. That my friend is how one changes history, they put something out and lump everyone they dislike into the democratic party and if no one bothers researching the facts it becomes fact.