So it appears as if several morons or groups of morons feel the need to hurl bricks and make death threats to get their point across.
Beginning last year, the rise of the faux disenchanted right finally chose to exercise their right of free speech via the path of least resistance: willful ignorance.
Rather than engaging in open debate on the merits of health care by using facts and evidence, they chose instead to disrupt and shout down anyone with an opposing view to their own.
However, what I'm still trying to figure out is? What exactly is their view of health care reform? None? Keep paying more? Believe that corporations are looking out for our own best needs? Or just to be against anything the Democratic Party/Obama is for? I think we know the answer.
These corporate funded astroturf groups that "sprang from no where", went on their national tantrum tour to make sure the people of this nation heard their racist based screed of moronic fringe right talking points of fear.
They carried guns, they sported misspelled signs and wore some of the most gaudy American flag styled adornments. They hurled insults, they spat, they maligned and they puffed up their chests full of wanton ignorance.
At each gathering of a political "foe", they controlled the meetings via shouting them down as not to allow them a voice to speak their views.
Healthy debates were destroyed all in an attempt to showcase their "rage" at Washington.
They devolved to such a level, they believed, that screaming was the new norm for discourse.
As time wore on, their tactics became less and less effective as various political figures began to go toe to toe with them and ejected all those who disrupted meetings.
The tea partier's began to fracture as a group due to infighting as to who was "more patriotic". Or as I like to think, who could scream the loudest.
Their rallies began to dwindle in numbers (if you watch fox news, however, it appeared as if the crowds only got larger).
Their babbling chorus of insults began to die. They felt that anyone (even those within their own party) who didn't bow before them (fascism?) was working with the enemy and received death threats.
Those politicians who aimed their message to the lowest common denominator ("you lie", "not true" and the latest, "baby killer"), received their praise.
However, once health care reform passed, they felt invigorated.
But rather than reflect and say, "Wow, our protests, stupid displays of machismo and screaming down people didn't work a wit, perhaps we should rethink things", but alas, they didn't and chose to instead, to quote from Spinal Tap, go to 11.
Now, instead of dealing with the issue by using insight, intelligence and learning from their failed past attempts to lobby their ideas and concepts, they chose the path of turning up the violence.
Now we are reading reports of rocks thrown through windows and threats of assassinations against peoples children.
If you look back at the sum total of what has gone on, you will see a willful pattern of childish behavior.
We all know the obvious; these are not bright people. They are sheep being lead to slaughter via corporate interests.
So like the worst kind of spoiled brat who doesn't get their way, (and know deep down they are being controlled) they choose to throw a massive fit. But the kind of fit that also brings down the others around them.
This has nothing to do with patriotism (not like it ever did in the first place), but it has more to do with not wanting to share their blocks. But instead of sharing them, they choose to burn them to spite the others. Thus solving nothing either long or short term.
They are on the freight train of stupidity without brakes now. The only way they will stop is in their complete self destruction, via one means or another.
They have set themselves up to fail. As the violence begins to ramp up in earnest, the stalwarts will be distilled down to pure stupid evil. Various hanger ons will fall away when reason finally permeates back into their brains. But like all fringe movements, there will always be the hold outs to "die for the cause". (And I believe taking down the Republican Party with them).
This is not a group that will become top heavy and as a result collapse before our eyes, no, this is a group of determined idiots that are hell bent on doing whatever their racist and willfully ignorant minds can to try to disrupt/overthrow the political process under the guise of "saving us all!" (massive collective ego complex)
Paraphrasing Spinal Tap once again, I think they will crank their dial well beyond 11 before this is said and done.