ACORN is collapsing when the Dems are in control of the House, Senate and Presidency.
Democrats are culpable. HOUSE 345-75, SENATE 83-7
Acorn to Shut All Its Offices by April 1 discussion from a BradBlog op Department Defends ACORN Funding Ban
Though the move appears to put the Obama administration on the side of the GOP in opposition to ACORN, it's not quite that simple. When a law passed by Congress and signed by the president is challenged by the courts, it's hardly unusual for the Justice Department to defend it. Still, at a time when progressives aren't exactly singing the White House's praises, the optics aren't great.
Issa, who has led the GOP charge against ACORN, had this week urged DOJ in a letter (pdf) to weigh in immediately on Judge Gershon's ruling. In response to the news that it has, he released the following typo-strewn statement:
Given the numerous ongoing investigations being conducted surrounding ACORN's criminal activities, the federal government will and should vigorously defend what the President signed and Congress overwhelmingly passed--a bipartisan recognition that ACORN is not fit to receive federal funds to perform duties on behalf of the American people. There is no plausible way we can allow a left-wing activist Judge usurp (sic) the authority of the President and Congress in an effort to bypass Constitutional authority so that a criminal organizations (sic) plagued by criminal accusations can have a court-ordered (sic) to entitlement to taxpayer dollars.
President Obama, former constitutional professor, couldn't defend ACORN. Why should he when he can separate himself from rightwinger accusations?
I called the DOJ and asked about this. I would like to see the argument our DOJ used to challenge the court's ruling that ACORN funding be reinstated. Just yesterday, my governor received praise for disagreeing with my state's AG for challenging insurance reform. Do Obama and Holder have the same balls Gregoire has or not? Instead they get to hide behind their image and we don't call them on it. Why the phuck not? Who are the DOJ, Holder and Obama representing when they challenge a ruling to reinstate funding taken away by an unlawful Congress and President?