, Margaret, if I hear one more old, white guy with an opinion about abortion, his skinny white ass is going to meet my rather large shoe. It’s a woman’s decision to make. Her body. Her choice. Period.
Bart Stupak is an ass. If he is in our “big tent” then our tent is too big. But if you ask me, the real problem is probably that the “pup tent” that greets him each morning is too small.
Abortion has no business being a political game… a sound bite to make the evening news. It is a medical decision between a woman and her doctor. If you have a moral dilemma or a religious issue, then don’t have an abortion. It really is that simple. Trust me. I know.
Abortion is not a dirty word and I am sick and tired of watching holier than thou white men in Congress pretending that they have any concept of what a woman goes through when making such an important decision. For some women it is a time of great sadness – a pregnancy gone wrong, a wanted child not to be. For some women it is a time of great relief – a decision to delay parenthood. It is a deeply, personal decision made for deeply, personal reasons. And, yes, for some women it is a decision they choose not to make – again for deeply personal reasons.