a frustrating ability to fold a strong hand to a weak hand. They did it time and time again, repeatedly. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The issues have ALWAYS been on the dems' side but that hasn't often translated into legislative or political success.
I agree that passing HCR SHOULD BE a huge boon to dem leaders. But it's not automatic. They will have to move on to the next issue. They will have to defend better against all manner of attack from the right and MSM on all issues, new and old.
IMO we aren't seeing anything different from them than we've seen for years: lies, MSM complicity, smearing, threats, misinformation, anti-democratic ploys, using fear and hate as fundraising and activism tools, etc. These have worked over and over for 30 years and the fact that they work is the result of billions of dollars of investment and a deliberate strategy. It is not going to go away. They aren't in disarray. They still will behave in lock step with leadership. They still have a massive corporatist fundraising engine. They still have the MSM. They are still willing to go lower in tactics than the dems....and these are proven strategies.
After 08, republicans had a choice to either move to the center...or...go all in and identify with the far right. It's clear which direction they chose. Doubtful they can change now and there's no evidence that they even want to. I hope this will prove a fatal mistake in the long run, but it is way too early to tell.
I believe that the 08 election and passage of this very centrist HCR bill reflects an improving condition. HCR might be considered one of only a small handful of bills passed in the last 30 years that doesn't benefit the wealthy. Might be. But dems were in a deep, deep hole and the middle class and poor were in an even deeper hole dug not just by the current crop of lying republicans but by many conservative dems, greedy corporatists, imperialists, conservative justices, blind middle class voters who can vote against their own interests, think tanks, etc.
And even now we aren't even close to being out of the hole. So let's take this victory and act like we're way behind in chips on the table...because we are...and we're still playing against opponents who are serious, more well-funded, and more devious than we are.