Why do I say this?
Because you know who else prints home addresses of people they don't like, and organize pickets and make death threats against those people, and sometimes kill them?
The anti-abortion nuts. Years ago when I was a court reporter, I took down part of a trial of Planned Parenthood vs. Operation Rescue, etal. and it was chilling to see the people on the stand that swore they were not threatening anybody. It was absolutely traumatic for me to be in the same room with Randall Terry, Flip Benham and the other leaders.
Or the woman who was so proud of her 21 year old son, who was in Federal prison for burning an abortion clinic in Houston.
Those people are dangerous. And scary. I saw the handouts for pickets at doctor's houses on Sunday, with "Bring the Kids!" printed on them, like it was a Sunday picnic. They would plant crosses on the doctor's front lawn and the doctor's wife would come out and rip them out and thrown them down.
These are the same kinds of people that killed Dr. Tiller, Dr. David Gunn and Dr. Bernard Slepian, as well as a couple of clinic escorts.