Obama calls for Congress to reform health care. The teabaggers get mad. No universal health care! The insurance companies fight it all the way. The teabaggers get mad. No Socialism! The reform bill has no single payer, no public option, and a mandate for all Americans to purchase capitalist for profit health care! The teabaggers get mad. Abortion! The process! Ram it down our throats! Start over! No mandate! THEY EVEN TAKE TO THE STREET LIKE HIPPIES! Bill signed. Republicans scream Baby Killer! Repeal the bill. The media come out all poo-poo on the bill, focus on the opposition. The teabaggers get furious! KILL THE BILL! Kill the enemies of America! REPEAL THE BILL OR FACE OUR WRATH!. ... Now the GOP has to face the teabaggers. The GOP can't "repeal the bill". If they try, the lose. But if they don't they anger the teabaggers. AND THE TEABAGGERS GET MAD.
The media know the old fight was 'for progress' (the dem agenda) and "NO!" The new fight is gonna be between the TEABAGGERS and the GOP. The teabaggers want a repeal effort, the GOP want to win (and cant win a repeal effort). Oh the monster created.. the horror the horror..
I feel pretty good..