Even in my wildest dreams and even during the darkest times during Bush & Co., I do not think our conspiracies were ever so creative and far reaching ~ well, the majority were not, lol!
What we are witnessing here will go down in history as one of the nuttiest for the GOP, as these folks have lost their fuggin' minds.
Call it mob mentality, fear, prejudice,
Populist Conspiracism, or just call them plain nuts, they are over the top.
Here is some insight from just one of the sites I've joined in the last month ~
The following set of comments are all in response
this article posted at Pajamas Media, entitled "Destroying America from Within."
I call this collection: The Delusional Rantings of Angry, Ignorant and Misguided Tea 'Baggers Sprinkled with a Little Revisionist History
I have no doubt any longer that this regime is bent upon usurpation of our Republic by destroying the economy and making us all dependent on the central government. the real question I haven't managed to answer for myself is; when do we give up on peaceful resistance. I don't want anyone to give an emotional and fiery answer because, the nearness of that line cautions against advertising. Each of us must consider this question privately within ourselves. Think, consider seriously, and pray for guidance before you type.
The evidence is piling up for the latter and our course as a country must recognize this as a possibility. A free society will not go quietly in chains. ....
George Bush was not a favorite of mine, but he clearly cared about the country. He never made any sweeping changes that harmed the country as a whole. I don't see the current "healthcare" bill having passed on his watch, especially with 10%+ unemployment!
He's (Obama) a creature of the globalists, the consumate Manchurian candidate. They've been grooming him since he was a child. They've done an excellent job of erasing the paper trail. He's not guilty of treason if he's not a citizen of our country. Either way, he's an evil entity who is doing the bidding of his New World Order masters. He has nothing but evil intentions for the United States of America, and in fact, he rose to power for the express purpose of destroying us. We're not fighting a man, we're fighting a malevolent spiritual entity. In case you haven't been able to put your finger on it, this is the defining difference between him and any other president. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
I beleive the next critical part will be the Illegal aliens will be pardoned and given citizenship and voting rights and medical too......In order to secure the new votes that Obama and party will need....This will be our next fight in the Congress and Senate..
Since Obama is an Arab/Black/ and maybe a White too, Then we got exactly what we voted for....(Not Me)
The member who wrote here that they covered up all his "paperwork" was absolutley correct....
The News Media is our main enemy because they never did their job when Obama was running....Most of them are Communists I beleive....
...I personally don't think Obama is that dangerous because he's really not that bright. He's never really done anything. He didn't even write his own books. He just takes credit for the work of others.
It's the people behind him, like George Soros and William Ayers who are dangerous. Regardless, the thing to do is to get rid of Obama. Then they can't pull his strings.
I read somewhere the other day that if Obama were a white guy, he'd be the 3rd shift supervisor at some second rate telephone company. He certainly wouldn't be president.
What I cannot fathom is how the people who voted for him couldn't see him for what he really is. Either they are stupid, or they don't care. Just one more indication of how crappy our public schools are. We need to clean this mess up from the top down.
And Deeper yet:
Good points on his narcissism - but what of the
Cloward Piven and
Alinsky teachings that he was deeply immersed in which do teach how to bring down, and overwhelm the system for the expressed purpose of changing it.
The damage done, in just over a year, is absolutely horrifying. I, also, agree that it is a crescendo over several Presidential Administrations as Mr. Solway mentions; yet, I have to say this is by far the worst and most extreme in Liberal, Progressive Tyranny (since maybe Franklin Roosevelt - the verdict is still out for me).
The Obama Administration has systematically taken over major institutions, corporations and now the Health Care System. The debt is beyond comprehension. The last two days I have been walking in shock, again.
I'm not sure what this one means:
you want to attack them where it hurt's band the fed-res cia batf fema un as the nazi's just jumped in are system call it a ww2 extension wait I almost forgot freedom is not won by paper and hopes they listen but by idea's shared by the mass of the people wile looking down field with a rifle
Birthers: Did anyone ever see the movie Rosemary's Baby? From the feedback about us not knowing anything about this guy, or ever where he came from, he reminds me of Rosemary's Baby.
And, another thread entitled "WE will NOT be Ruled !!" a slogan for new shirt design:
We get it they hate us AND our idea of what America is. We are out to defeat them every time they stick their heads up. Whack a lib !
And lastly, just now:
I heard on Beck this AM that they are attacking him - calling him a terrorist wanting to boycott him. Next they are attacking the Teaparty Movement. We have to fight back, but not with violence, but with God and prayer Glenn said. This is really serious people. The far left is on attack!!!
These are from www.teapartynation.com, membership required, lol