Entitlement Reform: The Real Language of Hatred
By Donna Smith
Donna Smith is a national single-payer healthcare advocate and community organizer with the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
March 24, 2010
While we might want to get angry about language and ugliness surfacing during the national discussion of the health insurance reform bill just signed into law, the real nasty language dripping with contempt and loathing for the unwashed masses of America is the language of “entitlement reform.” Just as supposedly more patriotic, profit-loving, pro-corporate power and free market junkies have effectively strangled the discussion of real health reform and delivered a very nice package of bennies to the medical-industrial complex, the same power brokers are already well underway in framing the discussion of all other government programs that benefit millions of Americans, like Social Security and traditional Medicare.
Listen up to how they say the word. Entitlements. The word itself is already infused with negative connotations. So much so that Democrats who want to reassure the right wing of the nation that they are fiscally responsible are using the word with the same sort of negativity and sting that the Republicans used to own almost exclusively. Government entitlements. Oooh. That’s even scarier. The word “entitlement” has become synonymous with receiving something one does not deserve – a handout not earned or worse, something a person who didn’t work hard enough gets at the expense of the “rest of us.”
But as the 111th Congress wraps up its work on the health insurance reform bill and the reconciliation effort, we’ll now hear a ramping up of the language to convince us that we’re going to attack the fraud and waste in “entitlements.” That’s code for calling those who avail themselves of Social Security benefits and Medicare benefits somehow undeserving or worse – somehow dirty and lazy and wasteful users of government-funded entitlements. For shame, for shame. Never mind that many of the same people who would begrudge you and me our entitlements don’t mind a bit accepting theirs via direct deposit every single month.
Entitlements. Government entitlements. Great big government entitlements. Of course they are coming after Social Security and Medicare next. All of them. Republicans love to shout about the dangers of entitlements but when really confronted by seniors and constituents on government benefits they will then deny they would end the programs all together if given the chance; and Democrats claim to be the creators and the defenders of the programs but then fail to actually protect and strengthen them. And our highest serving Democrat is taking a more direct aim at those entitlements.
This is ugly stuff, to be sure. But it’s not being sold in a very straightforward way. Imagine that.
From the White House website:
In the Executive Order creating the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform: “The Commission shall propose recommendations that meaningfully improve the long-run fiscal outlook, including changes to address the growth of entitlement spending and the gap between the projected revenues and expenditures of the Federal Government.” So, off we go, fellow Americans. If you wrongly thought that paying into Social Security for decades was protection against poverty and a pension-free retirement no matter what twists and turns private pension plans have seen and if you wrongly thought your payment of Medicare premiums and taxes was protection from wanting for medical care or bankrupting yourself as a senior or in the event of severe disability, you are about to watch some pretty fancy footwork combined with offensive language making your hard work and reliance on these tried and true programs seem like you are nothing short of an irresponsible slug who ought to have had the good sense and money to not rely on your government for social insurance.
And losing Social Security and Medicare protections and benefits is a game none of us wants to play. The language of hatred includes the word “entitlement.” We need to stop that hateful talk while we can.
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