Women’s health and safety are on the chopping block.
Please stand up for health and safety. Contact New Jersey legislators today to demand that our state leaders restore family planning funds in the budget.
Governor Christie has announced plans to displace the budget crisis by displacing the needs of the most vulnerable members of society — poor women and children. He proposes complete elimination of funding for family planning. It spells catastrophe for our state.
Making women choose between the prospect of devastating medical bills if they go to the doctor, and the prospect of devastating medical issues if they don’t, costs far more.
New Jersey cannot afford this.
Last year, this funding paid for routine OB-GYN exams, contraception, breast and cervical cancer screening, treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV testing, and pre-natal checkups.
Turning a budget crisis into a medical crisis is not a cure. It’s bad public policy and even worse for public health. Tell your representatives to restore family planning funds in the budget.
It could be your life — or the lives of the people you love — that Governor Christie’s budget deems expendable.
Forward this email to everyone you know in New Jersey who cares about reproductive health and reproductive freedom.
American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey
https://secure.aclu.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=... ---------------------------
How does the GOP escape being branded sexist, racist and homophobic?
I don't know how many remember this but probably sometime during Clinton years/?
One of the networks got ahold of VIDEOS done at the offices of the Republican National
Committe, wherein they forced female, Jewish, and African American employees there to
take part in belittling/demeaning scenes with sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-Jewish
overtones/statements. There was also one demeaning homosexuals.
They were show on TV for a few weeks.
Someone should resurrect them now!!!