Freep thread: Palin takes aim at Rahall, Mollohan "We're going to send them back to the private sector"
To: 2ndDivisionVet
MSNBC is painting Sarah as someone encouraging people to take up guns and kill democrats—one of the things they said proved it?
She used the word “aim”. ::rolls eyeballs to back of head::
2 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:11:52 PM by pillut48 ("Stand now. Stand together. Stand for what is right."-Gov.Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue")
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I would not get too excited about the 2010 elections for any number of reasons. The chief reason is that the communists and socialists are now in control of the Government including the law enforcement departments. The second reson is if one believes that the communists and socialists,a/k/a Democrats will allow themselves to merely be voted out of power, then one is ,at best, delusional. Democrats use the law to attain their goals and tosuit their purposes. They do not recognize the law when it works against them.
Soon all of our avenues to make our voices heard will be shut down, except one and I do not believe that we have the guts to use it.
8 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:43:32 PM by sport
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Give ‘em hell Sarah! If you don’t we will in November!...NO IS GOING TO FORGET WHAT THESE RAT BASTARDS HAVE DONE!
11 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:45:00 PM by Route395
To: sport
As the Berlin wall, the Ceder revolution, the People power in the Philippines all showed that the will of the people united can and will oust tyrants large and small.
You give the americaqn people little credit. We will not go gently into that good night.
12 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:54:42 PM by unseen1