I have said this before. They remind me of the SA, the Sturm Abteilung (Storm Troopers), the thugs who helped Hitler take and consolidate his power until 1935, at which time he decided he didn't need them any longer, had their leaders killed, and broke them up. Our storm troopers are lot less organized. They don't wear uniforms, and they have no leader like Ernst Roehm. Their messages are garbled, but they hate, and that hate shines through. And they are dangerous.
They have always been dangerous. The militias which were so prominent in the 1990's hated, in addition to African Americans, Jews, and those whom they called "mud people," Federal Agents, particularly employees of the IRS and various other enforcement agencies. They were equally desirable targets.
My wife worked for the IRS for awhile. During her tenure there, her own office was tear gassed on one occasion. Another time someone left a bag of human feces inside a door with a combination lock. There were multiple bomb threats made by phone. Incoming mail had to be carefully handled because tax protesters would often put used razor blades in envelopes and dead animals in boxes. In her district, which comprised Los Angeles, it was policy not to hire armed guards.
The former location of the office where she worked had been fire bombed and completely destroyed a couple of years before she was stationed there. Another IRS office was bombed and destroyed during the time she worked for them. The bomb was timed to go off when employees would have been present, but it went off early and killed a janitor.
Once when she was training downtown, a real bomb was found in the mail room and the entire building was evacuated. My wife, who has MS and was being trained on the fifth floor, found going down five flights of stairs particularly difficult. They were told to walk down the stairs quietly, no talking, because no one was sure how much vibration it would tale to set off the bomb.
These militia members were largely in the open and no one did much about them. Now they are in the open again, and history is repeating itself. The administration seems to have no problem with people carrying weapons, including assault weapons to places where the President is. The Capitol police are told by Congressmen who were abused by protesters, including one who was spat upon, which is battery, not to arrest them. Several congressional field offices and democratic party offices have been vandalized. Are the local police trying to find those who did this, or have they been told, quietly, to drop it? If these militants aren't found and severely dealt with then they all will feel free to speak and act with increasing violence until government employees are killed. This is unacceptable. The teabaggers aren't harmless kooks. They have been, in essence, given permission to hurt those whose job it is to run our government for us. It must be made clear to them, through vigorous enforcement action, that they have no such permission.