Thomas Goldstein
Lawyer and Publisher of SCOTUSblog
The Senate Judiciary Committee today holds its most significant hearing on any of President Obama's judicial nominees, to consider a candidate who has received remarkably little attention. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who passed through the Committee last summer, will have a great influence on the law for decades. But unlike her preordained confirmation, the uncertain outcome of today's hearing will chart the course for many dozens of judicial nominations that the president will make during his time in office.
The candidate is Goodwin Liu, a law professor and associate dean at California's Berkeley Law School. The president selected Liu for a seat on the Ninth Circuit, by far the largest court of appeals, which has jurisdiction over several Western states. The controversy is over Liu's liberalism, and the Committee is confronting the claim that the views he would apply as a judge are outside the mainstream, so that the nomination should be rejected.
Liu's formal qualifications for the post are not actually seriously disputed. He is young but broadly recognized as a brilliant and thoughtful lawyer. A Rhodes scholar, he graduated from Yale Law School with an impeccable record that secured him a Supreme Court clerkship.
Nor is there real disagreement over whether Liu has the temperament and commitment to the rule of law that a judicial appointment requires. The American Bar Association unanimously found him to be "well qualified," the highest possible rating.
Liu also differs from other nominees who were handed opportunities on a silver platter. Indeed, his personal story embodies the American dream. The child of immigrants from Taiwan, Liu spoke no English before starting public elementary school. Public service defines his professional life. He spent two years after college helping to launch AmeriCorps. Soon after law school, he began work on education issues in the Clinton administration, and then pursued scholarship. If confirmed, Liu would be the only Asian-American judge on the federal courts of appeals. postsProgressives to rejoice, Obama nominates Goodwin Liu (Thu Feb-25-10) Liu is more than qualified to serve on appeals court (Mon Mar-01-10) News composes a hit piece on Obama nominee Goodwin Liu (Fri Mar-05-10) Tribune: Obama judicial nominee already a target (Sat Mar-06-10) Circuit candidate's career marked by rapid ascent, wide-ranging roles (Goodwin Liu) (Wed Mar-10-10),0,1301596.storyAP: Young appeals court nominee raises liberal hopes (Sun Mar-14-10) of Professor Goodwin Liu on the Nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. January 10, 2006 (Tue Mar-16-10) Francisco Chronicle: Obama nominee Goodwin Liu an unassuming man (Tue Mar-16-10) Judiciary Committee schedules Goodwin Liu nomination hearing (Tue Mar-16-10) Law professor Goodwin Liu may be test case for Obama judicial picks (Mon Mar-22-10) SCOTUS Battle Quietly Brews, Contentious Hearing for Lower Court Nominee to Foreshadow (Mon Mar-22-10) response to video threatens Obama judicial nominee (Mon Mar-22-10) form to support the nomination of Goodwin Liu (Tue Mar-23-10) Controversy Over Obama Judge, GOP "preparing to mount an assault" (Tue Mar-23-10) Judiciary postpones the Goodwin Liu hearing "due to Republican objection" (Wed Mar-24-10) Patrick Leahy Press Release: Republican Objections Now Stall Even Committee Progress (Thu Mar-25-10)