If you are as mad, as I am at the Teabaggers threats to our Congressman, calling them Ni^^ers and Fa^^ots, the Gas line being cut at the home of a Dem Congressman's brother, One Dem Congresswoman's children's lives were threatened to be murdered, it's ENOUGH!!! SO Let's show our Solidarity to our Dems.
The only way to show them we are rebelling against them is to call and send $$ like we did for during the campaign. Please Please!! Show these jerks they are just organizing us.
1. Donate $5 to the DNC or your Democratic Congressman or Democratic Challenger to help elect them in Nov. to keep HCR
http://www.democrats.org/2. Donate $5 to Organizing for America to fight Repugn. Nov Hate Ads
http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/ofasplashcosign/3. Call your Republican Congressmen and tell them to tell the Tea partiers to stop the Violence.
http://www.gop.gov/contact4. Contact Bachmann, Pence, King & Kingston specifically and tell them to stop inciting Violence.
MAKE THIS VIRAL, email this to all your friends
respond here if you'll donate or Email this to your friends! And Please rec this up to make it Viral