** When Robert Johnson gave testimony last October, he was basically shut down after 4 minutes! Only as a result of the Christian Science Monitor and the Atlantic reporters, who approached Barney Franks, who admitted mea culpa, did Johnson's testimony get put into the official record. These great folks we have in D.C. looking out for Americans, is not happening. The present reform is not likely to prevent another
economic disaster..the case the gentleman makes is worth listening to.
I will post the text as soon as it's available from Democracy Now, for now, the video, in full at the link.
With the main healthcare reform bill signed into law, Democrats say Congressional efforts to reform Wall Street and the nation’s financial regulatory system will soon top the Obama administration’s agenda. A measure put forward by Sen. Christopher Dodd is being described as the biggest overhaul of financial rules since the 1930s, but critics have faulted the proposal for giving additional power to the Federal Reserve while gutting the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency and housing it inside the Fed.
Robert Johnson, former economist at the Senate Banking Committee and the Senate Budget Committee. He’s now the director of the Economic Policy Initiative at the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.
Kai Wright, editorial director of ColorLines magazine and a Fellow at the Nation Institute.