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1st Network news attacked Peace activists, now it is elementary students for Peace in MN

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-25-10 09:11 AM
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1st Network news attacked Peace activists, now it is elementary students for Peace in MN
Edited on Thu Mar-25-10 09:13 AM by annm4peace
In Minneapolis, MN

Two nights ago I watched Channel 5's reporting of young students participating in a protest at the Gov Pawlenty's office because of the cuts to GAMC (General Medical Assistance) , therapists and Personal Care Assistants for the Disabled and cuts to MN CARE.

Instead of reporting those speaking at the Press Conference, Chris chose to do a hit piece on the school that allowed the students from a Peace Charter school to participate in "Civil Rights" that they had been studying. I was so disgusted.

At a time when crazies are vandalizing homes and office of Congress members and leaving death threats and obscene phone calls. Channel 5 wants to create anger toward an elementary school.

Peace and Social Activists have been attacked for the last 8 years especially, and often law enforcement hasn't done anything.. and when hate radio called for violence against the activist they often called it "it is their right to free speech". and it isn't stopping.. So through the use of network news they are going after the peace children.

(there were over 500 young adults and teenagers arrested and some prosecuted in ST. Paul during the rnc)

Well, I wrote the reporter and the managing Channel 5 director and cc'd the FCC democratic member and sent what I wrote to some others who do online news and Mike who is on 950am progressive radio with his 5pm show Quick on the Uptake

A mother who's daughter is at the school had emailed me some disturbingly sad but not surprising news of the charter peace school that her daughter attends.

The school has received a lot of negative calls and didn't let the kids out for recess and kept the main doors locked.

Those students should have been proud of participating in a "Die In".. instead they were in lock down because of threatening calls.

I told the mother I was going to send the email below with her message to the MN Attorney General, Minneapolis Mayor Rybak and Police Chief Dolan and that maybe some of the Civil Rights Veterans we have in the Twin Cities would like to have their own Press Conference and speak out against the attack on students who participate in Civil Rights and demonstrations.

Here is what I sent the Chris, the report of Channel 5, and the News Director of Channel 5.

Hi Chris, (report with Channel 5)
Yesterday the People's Bailout Coalition (many groups which included nuns) had a protest at the Gov's office. (his office didn't even bother to open the door). There were many groups there and included a class that wanted to do their study on civil rights action at this event. The kids decided where they wanted to put in action what the learned. Intelligently they choose an event that could possible affect them and their families. The cut to health care and support on the very poor and the disabled.

Anyhow.. I didn't know about the class just that the Die In was happening yesterday and wanted to see how the news covered it, and if they did cover the Press Conference.

So I turned on channel 5 news.. WHOA!!! what a hateful spin you did on it. Channel 5 said Pawlenty's cuts were to Welfare.. and that a charter school used tax payers money for the kids to join the protest.. and some unaware professor from a college they interviewed (who probably didn't even know the story) said that the kids shouldn't participate unless they used it as a teaching moment. (this charter school is a peace and social justice school.. what a horrible idea (sarcasm).
Channel 5 didn't even show the speakers or what they had to say.. nor mention that the cuts are to GAMC.. the care for the extreme poor including homeless Veterans. What is very ironic that you didn't even mention that there are cuts to PCA and therapies for children and disabled adults, especially since I'm sure you know people who depend on the PCA. People who are part of "Friends of Alexander Deihl Foundation".

Here is the video of the Press Conference that someone took that is what a true journalist would have covered.

and here is your hit piece on a group of kids learning and PARTICIPATING in civil rights.

I would rather my tax dollars go to schools that teach children about civil rights, diplomacy, peace, and compassion than how to be soldier or to stifle their critical thinking, and I don't even have children or know of any children who attend the school mentioned in your story.

Shame on you for not reporting and not covering what the women had to say at their press conference, and shame on you for attacking these students who are learning about democracy in this country. I guess they learned the hard way the propaganda and lack of true journalism in this country with Corporate News on Public Airwaves.

You should apologize to the People Coalition and to these students from Southside Family School on one of your broadcasts.


Maybe you could also email Chris and the News Director... or Boycott Channel 5 advertisers, or call in to radio shows and bring up this story.

What is really sad is after 10 years of Corporate media ignoring those speaking out for peace or trying to make peace activists appear as crazy loons.. they have now moved on to children and what is anyone doing about it? Who or what is next?

Will Big Ed Shultz or Rachael Maddow include this story when they they talk about Congress members being attached?
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OHdem10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-25-10 09:27 AM
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1. Look at how MSM treat Peace Activists anywhere.
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