Kathleen *****: Yes, and all progressives/liberals/whatever you are calling yourselves these days, are geniuses. Seriously people!
Yesterday at 4:38pm · Cindy *******: Kathy, I purposely try not to talk politics with you, but you are grossly uninformed and fail to look at all of the facts. You base your opinions on what you hear on Fox news and Bob Dutko! I for one am very happy that Nick can stay on my health insurance until he is 26 while he is in med school. I am also happy that in the event that we are without health insurance that I can buy coverage without worrying that Steve with his asthma, Nick with is medical issues that we've discussed and Stevie, with his hip cannot be denied coverage based upon a pre-existing condition. In addition, as my husband's business has less than 25 employees, his business will get a substantial tax credit for continuing to provide health insurance benefits to his employees. You are educated, and that is why your beliefs STUN me! You are one of the ones that would call Jesus a socialist/fascist! Do you even have any idea what those words mean? Fascism is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation on corporatist perspectives; values; and systems such as the political system and the economy.Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right of the conventional left-right political spectrum. Fascism believes that a nation is an organic community that requires strong leadership, collective identity, and the will and ability to commit violence and wage war in order to keep the nation strong. Sound familiar? And really, is Obama a socialist? Really? He worked with the insurance industry to reform health care. This is not want we proud liberals/progressive wanted truth be told. We wanted either a single payer system like all other developed countries in the world or a strong public option to drive competition. Hopefully, we will get that down the road. You supported a man who took this country to war against a country that DID NOT ATTACK US! Many thousands of men and women of the military DIED as a result, not to mention countless innocent iraqis! You're beloved president has ADMITTED that Saddam was NOT involved with 911. Where were the weapons of mass destruction???? And the wars were kept off of the books of the budget of this country? Now those wars are back in the budget... Our very intelligent, thoughtful president is trying to fix the mess and is trying to get the government to WORK. No right left divide... Well, his efforts failed! Now people of your radical political persuasion are targeting people who are actually trying to govern in the manner that was intended by our constitution and are resorting to violence! They follow the incitement of Glenn Beck, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and are incapable of thinking for themselves! I have no problem debating issues with people who are informed and have the facts. People who have a knee jerk reaction to issues without knowledge, I personally have no use for.
And as an aside, the religious beliefs of a few, in a multi-cultural nation comprised of people who worship in their own way, based on their own deeply held beliefs is not a basis for governing this country. One of the main reasons why the settlers came to this country was to escape the forced religious dictates of the British Monarchy. The founders believed in religious freedom and purposely crafted the constitution to preclude the establishment of a government sponsored religion. Yesterday at 5:38pm ·
Cindy******: Oh and btw. We progressives/liberal call ourselves AMERICANS!