This Michele video wasn't in the mailer, but I threw it in : Friend,
It's 3/25. It's time.
Last month we learned that Sarah Palin would be coming to Minnesota to campaign for Michele Bachmann, flooding the district with extreme rhetoric and special interest money.
So we decided to fight back, our way, by hosting a grassroots-funded 'moneybomb' to send them a message. The response has been impressive--since then over 2,100 people have pledged to give over $86,000!
But now our time has come to act.
Please donate as soon as possible. Your early contributions set the pace and inspire others to donate during the day. Success breeds success!
Today is the day we send a message that will resonate throughout the district and the rest of the state - and that will be heard loud and clear in Wasilla, Alaska and Washington, DC - that Democrats are fired up and ready to win in 2010. Together, our voice will be heard!
Join us by honoring your pledge, and by giving as much as you can: you.

PS: Be sure to check back during the day to keep track of our progress!
PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF TARRYL CLARK. in the mailer, this was on her page and in reference to the video above:
The Minnesota Independent reports:
The campaign of Tarryl Clark released a web ad Monday that criticizes Rep. Michele Bachmann for her past stance on Social Security privatization and her February comments about wanting to "wean" future generations off the program.
Bachmann's campaign has disputed the characterization that she supports privatization of Social Security. In an interview with Politifact, for example, Bachmann spokesman David Dziok said, "She's never once used the word ‘privatize.'"
But Clark's team backed up its claims with references to Bachmann advocating Social Security privatization in 2005.
Here's Dziok's full statement from Politifact:
Via e-mail, Bachmann's spokesman Dave Dziok told us that he has "no clue where they got the voucher comment from and she's never once used the word privatize - not in her initial comments in St. Louis, and not in subsequent interviews or statements. Furthermore, she never stated that she wants to eliminate these programs all together, but that younger generations should have other options in the way these programs are administered. While her critics are certainly doing their best to put words in her mouth, I don't see how they can factually back it up."
And here's Clark's supporting evidence on Bachmann's 2005 Social Security stance:
Bachmann Advocated Privatizing Social Security. In February 2005, the Pioneer Press wrote, "During her announcement Monday, Bachmann also mentioned national security and a Social Security overhaul, which she later said should include privatization, as key priorities should she win a seat in Congress."
To read the article, click here.