Check out this brief by Brian Kelly I found at Common Dreams.
ST. LOUIS, MO - About 60 people kicked off what they say will be five days of anti-corporate power protests Wednesday, by staging a demonstration in the Bank of America building at 8th and Market downtown.
They pitched a tent in the lobby, sang songs and repeated chants They also demanded a meeting with a bank official.
After about a half-hour inside, the protest moved to the sidewalk outside the building, but no one from the bank met with the protesters.
After about an hour the 30 or so demonstrators still there, set up a small tent city in the middle of City Garden for the night.
The groups who sponsored the demonstration, The People's Settlement and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) are promising nine more demonstrations over the next five days.
Power to the people to facilitate the of, by and for.