Everything victimizes them; popular Democratic presidents, majority rule when they're not in power, the corporate owned media that they actually serve (& vice versa), the organized labor that they hate, gays, women and minorities whom they try to repress, basic human decency of which they have no concept... and the Truth because they're hypocrites to the core.
Everything that's "out to get them" pushes them into a "corner" and they have to fight back... Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. They lie, cheat and pull every underhanded stunt that they can. Why? Because they must win at all costs... They do, of course, represent the "Ruling Class", right?
When they win and are given an opportunity to redeem themselves, it becomes all too apparent why they were castigated and "victimized" in the first place... Their incompetence, bullying and malfeasance pushes suffering on us all until they're demoted again.
Once they're demoted again, that gives them all the impetus to go after their enemies in a repeat fashion.
Dealing with these people is like dealing with a giant yo-yo that keeps tangling its string, no matter how many times you try fix it.