by Eclectablog Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 10:11:22 AM PDT
Cross-posted at Eclectablog.com.
Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, also a Republican candidate for governor, has joined in a lawsuit with 12 other state Attorneys General that contends the health insurance reform LAW is unconstitutional. (Let's none of us forget that this is now a LAW and was signed by the president who is a Constitutional lawyer.)
This has made Governor Michigan Jennifer Granholm very unhappy. So, in her capacity as governor, she has directed Cox to intervene on behalf of the state against the lawsuit he himself signed on to.
This is beautiful.
H/T wizardkitten at Blogging for Michigan. I guess Mr. Cox feels Michigan has money to burn. Given that a majority (8) of Michigan's 15 members of Congress voted for the bill, he's moving forward against the will of the people represented by that majority.
Here's are some excerpts from Governor Granholm's letter to Attorney General Cox (pdf) which is a very entertaining read:
"I certainly do not question your authority or even your obligation when specifically authorized under MCL 14.28 to intervene in litigation in your capacity as Attorney General and to vigorously advocate those positions you believe are most consistent with the constitution and laws of this state. Your statutory authority does not, however, override the superior constitutional authority vested in the Governor to determine the position to be taken by the executive branch of the state government and certainly does not authorize you, as Attorney General, to unilaterally, and without consultation, to determine and declare the policy position of the state of Michigan.
Accordingly, pursuant to the constitutional authority vested in me as Governor, and the statutory duty imposed upon you by MCL 14.28, I am directing you to intervene in the Florida litigation on behalf of the Governor, the state of Michigan, and the Michigan Department of Community Health to uphold the recently enacted federal health care legislation and to protect and preserve the important protections afforded our state and its citizens by the new law."
<oh snip>