Although I have a Masters degree, I did manage to snag an ushers position in the stadium for Spring Baseball 2010, (Grape-Fruit League) at $7.25 an hour.. and dammed glad to get it....
During my time as an Usher, I had the pleasure of talking with people from every State in the Union.. north, south , east and west.
I probably talked to at least 300 people a day while we debated the last home run or an umpire call at 1st base.
What I learned, is that the real unemployment rate is above 50%. (If you believe big media and think that unemployment is 10%... you are sadly missing reality)
I talked to business people from every walk of life.. Construction, Retail, Public Service, Manufacturing....Fire Service, Paramedic.. it's all bad.. the green shoots at non-existent.
Over and over again.. the message I got... was that the American people are working their hind-ends off.. yet our elected leaders... are doing NOTHING! We are getting zero cooperation from Washington.
This is from fans wearing Jerseys from Tennessee, Michigan, Ohio, New York, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina....
Jobs are still going to Mexico... and China is still calling the shots.
This depression is NOT about (right vs left) as Faux News would have you believe.. it is about " Have vs HAVE NOT" ..... Corporate control vs American Families....
Thanks to all the people I have talked with... right/left and in-between. The American population is very aware. We have to keep on fighting to stop these bastards.
I had a ball during spring training and I know that people from all over the United States are aware of what these Faux News and Glenn Beck shills are up to.