We have been intellectually honest, totally transparent, and totally accountable for more than a year, and verging on two years of hearings, testimony, markups that are available on C-Span and impossible to conceal from the American public.
The Next Act in this Play: Republicans Decrying How they have been assailed, assaulted, had bricks tossed through their windows, etc... The only reason they have not disclosed them is because they did not think they were surprising or worth reporting to the media.
Expect these pathetic, ignorant bastards to even have their own subordinate staff leave obscene, hostile messages on their own phones, toss bricks and boulders through their own windows.
The Repukes will simply STAGE their own atrocities to their own party, totally fabricated, manufactured, and illusionary.
As an aside, the thing that fills me with pride is that Democrats have NOT done to our horrendous colleagues on the "other side of the aisle" what they have done to our treasured representatives.
I am so proud of the Democratic party, their articulate defense of Health Care Reform and the Reconciliation Bill.