Edited on Thu Mar-25-10 07:57 PM by That Is Quite Enough
I guess it was for the best. Basic gist, after cutting out the wordy ire I had saturated it with:
1) My Republican acquaintances think the Democrats -are responsible for- the PATRIOT Act because they voted for it. It's not the Republicans' fault, even though they drafted it and signed it into law.
2) I should've pointed out they themselves were responsible for creating an environment where anyone who opposed the idea of domestic spying 'in the name of security' was categorized as a traitor to their country and a threat to national security. Democrats had to fall in line with the jingoistic "One nation under surveillance" mantra just like everybody else or they faced public persecution at the hands of these freepers.
3) It's like the extreme revisionism of 1984: someone presses a button and, mid-rally, they all seem to immediately and genuinely forget that they used to be rabidly in favor of the PATRIOT Act and begin to criticize it as an example of liberals destroying America
Just typing out this distillation is making my head spin from all the delusions and projections. I need a drink.