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Despite Initial Denials, Young GOPers Headed To Blackwater Compound For Fundraiser

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-25-10 08:09 PM
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Despite Initial Denials, Young GOPers Headed To Blackwater Compound For Fundraiser

Despite Initial Denials, Young GOPers Headed To Blackwater Compound For Fundraiser
Justin Elliott | March 25, 2010, 5:27PM

Despite flat denials earlier this month, the RNC's Young Eagles will be holding an April fundraiser at the headquarters of Blackwater in Moyock, North Carolina, Politico is reporting.

The original report that the young Republican donors would gather at the HQ of Xe, the new name for the armed contractor company formerly known as Blackwater, came from a leaked RNC presentation. The event was listed for April 16.

After a report on the presentation from Politico's Ben Smith, TPMmuckraker asked Xe spokesman Mark Corallo about the story. He promptly knocked it down. "The RNC is not coming to Moyock," he said.

We followed up and asked how the mix-up occurred -- the Blackwater event was listed on an official RNC presentation, after all. Corallo e-mailed back: "No idea, but I'm going to let Ben know... much to his chagrin no doubt!"

Now, according to Smith, the event is on for April 22, six days after the original date. Corallo told him that Xe reached out to the RNC only after the original Politico report.
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WCGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-25-10 08:16 PM
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1. Young War Mongers Unite...
And send everyone elses kids to war...
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