There is a lot of justifiable concern about the recent outbreaks of violence, vandalism and intimidation.
It is tempting to believe it is a momentary letting off of steam and reality would eventually elbow its way back into place in the minds of all but the craziest nuts. It is also tempting to write off concerns on the left as over-reacting and imagining doomsday scenarios.
At first I was amused by all the right wing nut jobs swallowing this obvious set of lies. "Totalitarian socialism is here, lock and load boys!" I didn't think they'd really act out and would eventually calm down when they learned the truth. Then I was amused by the gnashing of teeth and wailing of all is lost on the far left, "corporate sell out, corporate sell out!" Chris Hedges' recent piece comes to mind. was content to think we had at least achieved a minor but significant victory and it really could be a first step.
Then I thought more about it. I kept my eye on the news. I tried to talk sense to some RWingers furious about the passage of the health reform bill with absolutely no success. "Fox news is the truth. MSNBC is full of lies. Its a government takeover!!!"
I recalled how Republican after Republican congressman rose to repeat the same lies the night of the final debate before the vote. And how Democrat after Democrat rose to proudly count off the real achievements and true goals of this bill.
And I thought about how both were equally deluded at some level. This bill was controlled completely by corporate lobbying and big money from the get go. Sure they threw us some bones, we made some gains, but they still controlled the show.
This served their purposes in many ways. It gave the propaganda machine the slightest of pretexts to continue and ramp up the lies--and much more worrisome--call for action. "They rammed this down our throats! They subverted democracy. blah, blah, blah." And of course it protected their control of health care and their profits. It also gave the Dems a false sense of victory. It gave many who had begun to see Obama, and the Dem leadership, as ineffectual or at worst a sellout, at least some hope that now he and they were willing to fight and give up the pretense of conciliation. And they still might do just that. But they were used too.
Those pundits on the left now predicting the demise of the Republicans for having gone all in and taken the low road of pure obstructionism and massive falsehoods are mistaken. This was part of the plan too. While many will yet come to see them for what they are and also see this bill for what it is, which might lead to electoral defeat for Republicans, those realizations will soon be lost in the chaos.
I thought about how Chris Hedges had spent 25 years watching this exact scenario play out over and over throughout Latin America. I read Paul Craig Roberts piece yesterday ( how it was all over now too, and this was a Republican, "godfather of supplyside economics" who saw from the inside how the neo-cons and other players had used him and his theories, not for a "free" market, but to dominate and control and manipulate the market. This was a man who had spoken out against them and then been marginalized. And I knew that he knew what they were up to.
For this was Waterloo and was always meant to be. But not in the way everyone thought. It was surmised that Obama would fail to pass it and that would be the end of his presidency. But he was meant to pass it. He was allowed to pass it. And its passage is and always was meant to be the match that lit the fuse to start the final phase of the long-planned fascist shift, so clearly and eloquently detailed by Naomi Wolfe.
(BTW, has anyone heard anything from Naomi? As far as I've been aware she has completely dropped out of sight since shortly after the election. The last pieces I read from her were filled with fear and paranoia and reports of all manners of harassment. Then nothing.)
Up until now we have only seen the tip of the iceberg of the massive disinformation campaign waged by the right wing corporate propaganda machine. We are now seeing the early signs of violence as a result of large numbers of people believing the lies.
I am deeply concerned about the armed gangs of "tea partiers" being told to "lock and load! They're coming to get us!!!" which will very likely lead to some kind of shoot out ala Waco. This is intentional. This is a self-fulfilling prophecy and is intended to lead to an even a wider outbreak of violence, and eventually to require some kind of government crackdowns, thus confirming the certainty of their beliefs in their persecution at the hands of the government ("See we're weren't paranoid! They are trying to round us up!") which will in turn further fuel their anger and resolve. The situation will escalate until we have martial law and/or a military coup. If I'm right and their plans follow the blueprint, eventually the current administration will be overrun, congress disbanded and most likely an authoritarian dictatorship or junta installed ala Allende's Chile, or even 30s Germany. (ok this really does sound crazy, but I will fill in how this could happen in another post, this one is far to long already)
Only then will they, the teabaggers, (perhaps) see that the government conspiracy they saw and feared was not part of a plan to instill a totalitarian socialist system but an authoritarian fascist one. But they won't care. They will be part of the government shock troops now and employed seeking out and persecuting all those "reds under the bed."
This is what has happened before, over and over again. This is the truth of what is coming.
I seriously believe this is the planned result and we are in the end game now.
Call me crazy, Please!
Call me a conspiracy nut if you like, but I have a friend who worked for the CIA in the 60s and 70s and he confirmed that there is in fact a shadow government, the same guys who did this sort of thing all over Latin America and elsewhere for decades, who have been planning this and setting it up for years. All the signs are there, all the steps clearly visible. (Naomi Wolfe where are you now that we need your voice and expertise on this matter?)
One of the biggest ironies is Glenn Beck and his ilk pointing this out in part, but twisting it around and blaming "progressives" or "liberals" who are of course the enemy of any such corporate fascist takeover and the one thing potentially standing in the way of its success.
This is CLASSIC COINTELPRO: misinform, misdirect, demonize the opposition, demonize the current leader. Pre-emptively reveal parts of what is really going on and blame the opposition, thus completely neutralizing them and any attempts they make to warn the people. "They're lying!--No,YOU'RE LYING." (How many of us have run into this phenomenon when trying to talk sense to friends and family who listen to Fox?)
These violent tea-party militia-type folks leading the charge are the modern SA or Brown shirts and are being duped into bringing on their own destruction and the authoritarian government they claim they fear. They will be discarded when no longer useful or radicalized into "death squads" gleefully rooting out and murdering anyone suspected of being too "liberal."
Sound fantastic? Yesterday was the anniversary of the RW death squads' murder of bishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador.
Read this about those days and how it worked: THEY ARE GOING ALL IN NOW! Leveraging the fact of a black president, the current depression they brought on to make people scared and desperate and angry, and a mildly center-left bill they can call "socialism" to ramp up the unrest. The dog whistles are blowing non-stop.
Watch for the next major step: the "Reichstag fire." In the meantime there will be more street fights, beatings, gun violence, vandalism...
It will be a long hot summer. Remember the 60s? But in reverse and much more violent.
Wishing I'm wrong,